Thursday, June 07, 2012

Bakesale Betty - Oakland, CA

Chicken Sandwich
Why I went to Bakesale Betty:  My friend Hermine and SFGate article

The Good:
Chicken Sandwich built this place - great bread and spicy, jalapeno cole slaw.  Behind the counter is basically an assembly line for the sandwich

The Bad:
Limited lunchtime hours
The lunchtime line outside gets long, really long
No parking lot so good luck finding meters or spots in residential Oakland where the block never ends
Very limited seating

The Options:
Stick with the sandwich cuz that's pretty much all they have in terms of real food
Good selection of baked sweets

Shout Out:
My friend Maki from Japan who I dined with


JBS said...

Good commentary.

JBS said...

Good commentary.